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clock shielding
- usually, strongly driven clock net sare noise sources (attacker). Shieldig can avoid other stronger noise and isolate itself.
- some people use double spacing instead of shielding. Less coupling capacitance. Less RC delay.
wire spreading就是把wire density平均化,一般design rule会有min density和max density,min自然不用说,max density主要出于两个目的:
1. 减少critical area。critical area被定义为容易受杂质影响的区域,容易产生short或者open。某个区域的metal density越大,受杂质影响的几率越大。
2. 在CMP过程中,由于metal的材料相对隔离介质较软,容易产生dishing,当metal density太大或者metal太宽的时候,dishing进一步严重产生erosion。erosion的影响就比较大了,RC变差,电流能力变差,IR-drop变大,可能产生open等等。所以对于宽metal要加slot,除了liftoff的考虑,erosion也是原因之一。
wire spreading
- It is a feature for better DFM (what vendors claim). In general, it is also good for better timing due to less long wire coupling.
A few new routers choose routing layer balance (vertical) and wire spreading (horizontal).
Solution in Encounter:
Spare cell for ECO