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Remote System Update using Ethernet
0750long | 2010-03-12 18:52:08    阅读:1182   发布文章

Remote System Update using Ethernet


Operating Instructions


1. Apply power to the board by plugging in the power cable and

pressing switch SW1.

1 The application selector will appear on the LCD Screen. On the

bottom right you will see a button that should say “Not Connected”. You may click on the button to view the instructions for remote system update and click OK to return to the main screen.

2. Using an Ethernet cable, connect the Ethernet RJ-45 jack on the LCD

Multimedia HSMC to a working Ethernet port.

1 The connection to Ethernet port will be detected by the application which will try to acquire a suitable IP address. During this time you will see the message “Connecting…” on the LCD screen.

3. Please wait while the web server application establishes a

connection to the internet and acquires an IP Address via DHCP. On

completion, the IP Address will be displayed on the LCD Screen.

4. On your host PC ensure that it is connected to a working Ethernet

port and launch a web browser.

5. In the web browser window, type the IP address displayed on the

LCD screen (e.g. and hit Enter.

1 You should now see a web page displayed on the web browser

which is being served up by the board from the contents of the

webserver_html directory on the SD Card.

6. On the upper left hand side on the web form, click on the link under

Go to instructions. You will be directed to the remote configuration

instruction page. Carefully read the instructions for remote


7. Click on the Left hand side of the web page you will see a CFI Flash

Upload section. Click Browse button and browse to the hardware

Flash image on your PC and click Open.

1 As an example browse to altera/<version # >/kits/


remote_system_update, choose an application e.g.

mandelbrot and click on C2H_Mandelbrot_hw.flash

8. On the web page click Upload.

1 Please wait while the hardware Flash image is uploaded to your

board. When this is done you will be directed to another web

form entitled Program CFI Flash.

9. Click on the Program Flash Button to program the on-board flash

with the uploaded Flash image.

10. If your remote update system has a software Flash image, then click

on Return to Instructions and repeat the previous three steps to

upload and program the software Flash.

1 Upon completion you will be directed to a form entitled ResetSystem

11. Click on the Reset System button. The FPGA should now reconfigure from the newly programmed contents of the Flash file.



1.     将硬件的.flash 和软件的 .flash 都烧到flash 中。

2.     现象:直接开始执行程序的内容(再次开机时仍然是执行应用程序选择器,就相当于使用触摸屏直接选择程序)。

