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TI bq3060锂离子电池管理方案
0750long | 2010-05-09 16:39:02    阅读:3744   发布文章

TI bq3060锂离子电池管理方案

      TI 公司的bq3060是全集成的单片锂离子电池管理器,能对2,3,或4组锂离子电池进行电量计量,保护和身份验证.采用超低功耗模式的8位RISC CPU,可用于上网本/笔记本电脑,医疗和测试设备以及手提仪表.本文介绍bq3060主要特性, 系统分区方框图和评估板bq3060EVM-001电路图和材料清单.

The Texas Instruments bq3060 Battery Manager is a fully integrated, single-chip, pack-based solution that provides a rich array of features for gas gauging, protection, and authentication for 2, 3, or 4 series cell Li-Ion battery packs. With a footprint of merely 7.8mmx6.4mm in a compact 24-pin TSSOP package, the bq3060 maximizes functionality and safety while dramatically cutting the solution cost and size for smart batteries.

Using its integrated high-performance analog peripherals, the bq3060 measures and maintains an accurate record of available capacity, voltage, current, temperature, and other critical parameters in Li-Ion or Li-Polymer batteries, and reports the information to the system host controller over an SMBus 1.


Advanced CEDV (Compensated End-of-Discharge Voltage) Gauging

Fully Integrated 2,3, and 4 Series Li-Ion or Li-Polymer Cell Battery Pack Manager

8-Bit RISC CPU With Ultra-Low Power Modes

Full Array of Programmable Protection Features Voltage, Current, and Temperature

SHA-1 Authentication

Flexible Memory Architecture With Integrated Flash Memory

Supports Two-Wire SMBus v1.1 Interface With High-speed 400kHz Programming Option

P-CH High Side Protection FET Drive

Low Power Consumption Sleep Mode: < 69 µA

High-Accuracy Analog Front End With Two Independent ADCs

High-Resolution, 15~22-bit Integrator for Coulomb Counting

16-Bit Delta-Sigma ADC With a 16-Channel Multiplexer for Voltage, Current, and Temperature

Ultra Compact Package: 24-Pin TSSOP PW


Netbook/Notebook PCs

Medical and Test Equipment

Portable Instruments



This evaluation module (EVM) is a complete evaluation system for the bq3060/bq29412 battery management system. The EVM includes one bq3060/bq29412 circuit module, an EV2300 PC interface board for gas gauge interface, a PC USB cable, and Windows@trade;-based PC software. The circuit module includes one bq3060 integrated circuit (IC), one bq29412 IC, and all other onboard components necessary to monitor and predict capacity, perform cell balancing, monitor critical parameters, protect the cells from overcharge, over-discharge, short-circuit, and overcurrent in 2-, 3- or 4-series cell Li-ion or Li-polymer battery packs. The circuit module connects directly across the cells in a battery. With the EV2300 interface board and software, the user can read the bq3060 data registers, program the chipset for different pack configurations, log cycling data for further evaluation, and evaluate the overall functionality of the bq3060/bq29412 solution under different charge and discharge conditions.


• Complete evaluation system for the bq3060 SBS 1.1-compliant advanced gas gauge and bq29412 independent overvoltage protection IC

• Populated circuit module for quick setup

• PC software and interface board for easy evaluation

• Software that allows data logging for system analysis



