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Introduction to Audio Signals(声音信号的介绍)
0750long | 2009-04-10 19:51:39    阅读:1762   发布文章

Introduction to Audio Signals(声音信号的介绍)


  Audio signals are generally referred to as signals that are audible to humans.Audio signals usually come from a sound source which vibrates in the audible frequency range.The vibrations push the air  to form pressure waves that travels at about 340 meters per second.Our inner ears can receive these pressure signals and send them to our brain for further recognition.

  所谓声音信号(Audio Signals)简称音信,泛指由人耳听到的各种声音的信号。一般来说,发音体会产生震动,此震动会对空气产生压缩与伸张的效果,形成声波,以每秒大约340公尺的速度在空气中传播,当此声波传到人耳,耳膜会感到一伸一压的压力信号,内耳神经再将此信号传送到大脑,并由大脑解释与判断,来分析此信号的意义。

  If we consider repeated patterns within audio signals,we can classify them into two categories:

  Quasi-periodic sound:The waveforms consists of similar repeated patterns such that we can perceive the pitch.Examples of such sounds include monophonical playback of most music instruments(such as pianos,violins,guitars,etc)and human's singing/speaking.

  Aperiodic sound:The waveform do not consists of obvious repeated patterns so we cannot perceive a stable pitch.Examples of such sounds include thunder pounding,hand clapping,unvoiced part in a humans's utterance,and so on.




  To be continue........

